QtMobility Reference Documentation

QML NetworkInfo Element

The NetworkInfo element allows you to get information and receive notifications from the network. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


Signal Handlers


Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.systeminfo 1.1 module. It is a convience class to make QML usage easier.

Note: To use notification signals, you need to set the monitor* properties to true.

In QtMobility 1.2, the NetworkInfo Element was changed to work in one network mode at a time. You use the property mode to set which network mode it is in.

The following table lists the incompatible changes made to the start* functions between QtMobility 1.1 and 1.2, where they became Q_PROPERTY:

QtMobility 1.1QtMobility 1.2Notes
slot void startStatusChanged();void startStatusChanged(bool on);Became Q_PROPERTY monitorStatusChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void startSignalStrengthChanged();void startSignalStrengthChanged(bool)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorSignalStrengthChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void startNameChanged()void startNameChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorNameChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void startModeChanged()void startModeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorModeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged()void startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged()void startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
void useMode();void mode()Became Q_PROPERTY mode in QtMobility 1.2

Example new usage:

QtMobility 1.2:

   NetworkInfo {
       id: wlaninfo
       mode: NetworkInfo.WlanMode;

       monitorNameChanges: true;
       monitorSignalStrengthChanges: true
       monitorStatusChanges: true
       monitorModeChanges: true

       onStatusChanged : {
           img = getImage(newStatus)

To use this in a mode other than the default mode given by currentMode, set the mode with mode.

 import Qt 4.7
 import QtMobility.systeminfo 1.1

 Rectangle {

     NetworkInfo {
         id: wlaninfo
         mode: NetworkInfo.WlanMode;
         monitorNameChanges: true
         monitorSignalStrengthChanges: true
     Text {
         id: signame
         color: "white"
         text:  wlaninfo.networkName +" "+wlaninfo.networkSignalStrength;
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;

See also QSystemNetworkInfo.

Property Documentation

macAddress : string

Returns this NetworkInfo's network interface's MAC address.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

Sets this NetworkInfo to use QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkModes. Does not set the mode of the underlaying system.

If not set, the default is whatever defaultMode is.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

monitorCellDataChanges : bool

Use the cellDataTechnologyChanges signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

See also QSystemNetworkInfo::cellDataTechnologyChanged.

monitorCellIdChanges : bool

Use the cellIdChanges signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanges : bool

Use the currentMobileCountryCodeChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanges : bool

Use the currentMobileNetworkCodeChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorModeChanges : bool

Use the modeChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorNameChanges : bool

Use the nameChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorSignalStrengthChanges : bool

Use the signalStrengthChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

monitorStatusChanges : bool

Use the statusChanged signal.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

networkName : string

Returns this NetworkInfo's network name.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

networkSignalStrength : int

Returns this NetworkInfo's network signal strength.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

networkStatus : string

Returns this NetworkInfo's network status.

The following table shows the mapping between the NetworkInfo NetworkStatus property and the QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkStatus enum.

"No Network Available"QSystemNetworkInfo::NoNetworkAvailable
"Emergency Only"QSystemNetworkInfo::EmergencyOnly
"Home Network"QSystemNetworkInfo::HomeNetwork

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

Signal Handler Documentation

NetworkInfo::cellDataTechnologyChanges ( QSystemNetworkInfo::CellDataTechnology cellTech )

This handler is called when cell data technology has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCellDataChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::cellIdChanges ( int cellId )

This handler is called when cell id has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCellIdChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::currentMobileCountryCodeChanged ( string mcc )

This handler is called when network MCC has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::currentMobileNetworkCodeChanged ( string mnc )

This handler is called when network MNC has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::modeChanged ()

This handler is called when the systems default network mode has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startModeChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::nameChanged ( string networkName )

This handler is called when network name has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startNameChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::signalStrengthChanged ( int signalStrength )

This handler is called when network signal strength has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startSignalStrengthChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

NetworkInfo::statusChanged ( string networkStatus )

This handler is called when network status has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startStatusChanged.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

Method Documentation

QNetworkInterface NetworkInfo::interfaceForMode ()

Returns the QNetworkInterface for this NetworkInfo.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


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